Love Mystery of All 12 Zodiac Signs

Pisces Love Mystery ♓

Pisces Love Mystery
Pisces Love Mystery

Just as the soul is symbolically "born" into the innocent thoughtlessness of Aries, it symbolically "dies" - or leaves the painful Earth plane - to enter into the sympathetic humility and mystical awareness of Pisces. In the Piscean Sun Sign stage, evolving man and woman begin to comprehend vaguely the secret of Time as an eternal NOW - able to (in varying degrees) see the Past, Present, and Future as one. This is the soul's third and final excursion into the sensitive Water Element - its fourth and final vibration as a Mutable Communicator - and the last experience under the feminine negative Night Forces.

Ideally, by the time the soul has reached the Pisces stage, it has attained spiritual enlightenment on its long journey through the Mysteries of Love experienced in the preceding eleven Sun Signs. If not, then it must return to certain Sun Sign vibratory experiences on the astrological circle to learn lessons not absorbed because they were too hastily skimmed over in previous incarnated stages. But each such return brings a new vulnerability to that Sun Sign lesson - a new inner urgency to master its positive essence and discard its negative.

Of course, some high or advanced souls, after reaching the Piscean stage, elect of their own choosing to return to Earth to rescue those still in darkness. However, we are discussing here the average Pisces obligation and pattern.

Man and woman, on the Pisces level, have passed at least once through all twelve stages of initiation, and many have been required to fall back and retrace their steps hundreds of times in this experience because Pisces is the most difficult of all the twelve Sun Signs to comprehend and master. Usually, such an accomplishment is not gained the first time around the wheel of life, except by intense desire and will, which is not to say such achievement is impossible - but it is a path, up until now, chosen by very few. This is why astrology teaches that Pisces is "an old soul" - also the reason that not every Pisces man or woman is the epitome of spiritual grace; why some swim in waters dangerously close to the fires of Dante's Inferno. The Fish lives in two worlds, simultaneously experiencing both Heaven and Hell.

With the secret wisdom of the Piscean ruling planet, Neptune, Pisceans knows that sadness and ugliness are not a part of God's plan. They have glimpsed the beauty of truth, and the brilliance of such mystical vision brings an urge to retreat from the negative vibrations of the Earth plane. So Pisces often avoids confrontation and tension through the escape route of drugs, alcohol, daydreams, artistic creation, philosophical theorizing, meditation, or religious retreats.

Pisceans may become teachers, monks, nuns, mystics, artists, musicians, composers, abstract mathematicians, and highly intuitive scientists - or they may choose to swim down into the murky waters of alcoholism and drug addiction, even insanity. It is, indeed, a difficult and complicated vibration for the soul, for this Sun Sign experience is fraught with temptation for the Pisces man or woman.

Because they've been "through it all" on a subconscious level, the Fishes have a natural compassion for the troubles of those around them. The Neptunian soul is intimately familiar with life's vicissitudes, understanding the weakness of human nature, therefore tending to pity, rather than to condemn, man's and woman's failings. This is why these "old souls" so frequently become the recipients of everyone's secrets, trials, worries, and apprehensions. Yet the initial instinct is to turn away from sticky entanglements in all forms. Only when the Fish finds the courage to face his or her own problems with as much spiritual wisdom as is offered to others can the Neptune mysteries be fathomed.

Through this "death initiation" (death of the human ego) the soul grows more forgiving, more gentle, and better able to understand its true relationship to the co-Creators.... as Pisces affirms "I BELIEVE." To realize the full glory and truth of love, the Fish can, if he or she chooses, call on the innocence of Aries, the patience of Taurus, the awareness of Gemini, the perception of Cancer, the nobility of Leo, the discrimination of Virgo, the judgment of Libra, the penetration of Scorpio, the honesty of Sagittarius, the wisdom of Capricorn - and the humanitarianism of Aquarius. But sometimes these many fragments of secret knowledge and talents serve only to confuse Pisces, causing the Fish to then take the easier path of passive nonresistance.

The Pisces positive qualities are humility, compassion, sensitivity, spiritual awareness, psychic comprehension, philosophic insight, and healing potential. Expressed in their negative form they become timidity, apprehension, masochism, idleness, lying, and weakness of will.

To Pisces, love is an unselfish submission of the ego to the desires of the one needed to become Whole. The Fish gains more pleasure from giving than from receiving, more happiness in serving than in being served. Yet enigmatic Neptune tests the Pisces soul with the lure of multiple sexual and romantic experiences - floating from one affair to another.

In such a promiscuous manner - or by becoming a romantic recluse - does the wary Fish escape the dangers of being "hooked" by deep or permanent emotional commitment. But the Pisces man or woman who resists this temptation to avoid love's pain by seeking only love's pleasure is richly rewarded by the mastery of love's final mystery. He or she can then glimpse for the first time on the soul's weary journey the true passion of blending in a trinity of mind, heart, and spirit, resulting in a rare physical ecstasy - the ultimate Piscean fulfillment of Love's long-ago Aries springtime promise of a miracle. 

Pisces Love Mystery
Pisces Love Mystery

Aquarius Love Mystery ♒

Aquarius Love Mystery
Aquarius Love Mystery

Having reached the Aquarian initiation, the evolving soul feels that it must return to life much of what it gathered along the way. And so begins a "second childhood" on the level of the Water Bearer, who pours out his knowledge, both determined and anxious to share it before he leaves this planet to explore the exciting realm of the unknown on the other side. 

Aquarius feels the stirrings of the masculine positive Day Forces for the last time as a Fixed Organizer, in the final experience of the detached and unpredictable Air Element. A puzzle to friends and family, the Aquarian man or woman cavorts in a peculiar fashion with the young at heart - peculiar, since wisdom and experience are in direct contrast with such liberal, eccentric behavior.

There were so many mysteries missed in the past because there wasn't time to investigate them. Now Aquarians must taste them all - must investigate every nuance of up and down, left and right, will and won't. They delight in shocking those around them, suddenly aware of an inexplicable ability to peek into the future. Amazingly intuitive and bristling with unexpected flashes of telepathic images, the Aquarian soul examines people and ideas without sentiment, arriving at truth with no apparent logic or traceable effort.

On this level, the soul tends to flaunt law and authority because the spirit actually exists in the world of the future. Aquarius knows that the rigid rules of today's society must sooner or later be compromised. Therefore he (or she) sees no sensible reason to respect what will surely evolve into something new and different tomorrow. If violent revolt is necessary to bring about tolerance, brotherhood and understanding, then Aquarius believes the result will be worth the conflict. However, although they advocate change for the world (and for their friends and family), the Water Bearers remain Fixed in their own personal opinions, private codes, and life-styles, reflecting the contradictory nature of the ruling planet, Uranus.

The soul has now acquired a true humanitarian approach. To the unprejudiced Aquarian, every human being is a friend, whatever that person's personal values may be, for the Water Bearer has learned that he (or she) is one with all mankind and womankind - and with Nature. Yet, personal relationships may be neglected, as these men and women pursue an idealism related to the benefit of society in general. Like the Aquarian Age, it reflects, that the soul at this stage envisions a golden and glorious future that may be attained only by blasting old customs and outdated ideas to clear the way for spiritual awareness, through the thunderbolt path of accelerated mass Karma. If more conservative people are offended by the Uranus behavior, the Aquarian individualist laughs off their disapproval. Secure in an intuitive grasp of the future, Aquarians retort, "I KNOW" to all questions, then perversely refuse to explain how they know - except to the children, who understand through their own innocence the innocent state of simplicity the soul returns to in the "second childhood" Uranus vibration.

The Aquarian positive qualities are vision, individuality, tolerance, friendliness, inventiveness, originality, and genius. Expressed in their negative form they become eccentricity, neurosis, detachment, absentmindedness, and refusal to cooperate.

To Aquarius, love is a detached and unselfish emotion, to be explored and enjoyed. The Water Bearer understands love's scope and investigates all its dimensions, but scatters it carelessly, confusing it with friendship. Physical fulfillment leaves Aquarius emotionally empty and still wistful, failing to sense the mystery of Oneness with the mate - the final truth of love, which awaits discovery
silently, in the shadows - the secret guarded by Neptune, just beyond Uranus comprehension.

Aquarius Love Mystery
Aquarius Love Mystery

Capricorn Love Mystery ♑

Capricorn Love Mystery
Capricorn Love Mystery

Now the chilling blasts of winter grow more insistent, forcing the experience weary soul to symbolically retreat back into the haven of the family circle, to submit once again to the meditative, negative-feminine Night Forces. On the Capricorn level of consciousness, for the fourth and final time, the soul feels the powerful vibrations of Cardinal leadership. But this time it leads through the stable Earth Element, from a position of strength inside the home, beside the hearth. Why should the Goat expose himself (or herself) to the icy temperatures outside, just to be seen and heard - applauded and praised?

Capricorn souls, now sure of both their ability and their right to take command, no longer feel the need to display or aggressively flaunt their power - either for public adulation or for inner security. By this stage, the soul has learned that true peace comes from within. Being appointed Leader is a responsibility to be handled as carefully as possible, with no special recognition due for doing what is obviously one's duty. The Capricorn's relatives (especially parents) now assume marked importance for either good or ill, because the symbolic "old age" of the soul has arrived - and along with it, a sense of the priorities of life, the most important being the security of belonging. The excitement of romance and the freedoms of youth are not nearly as enticing to the Goat as comfort and contentment with those he can depend on to care for him (or her).

Capricorn is both prepared and willing to impart the hard-earned Saturnine wisdom, but only when invited to do so. Because the Goats know the folly of forcing people to mature before their time, they smile with the benevolent indulgence of a fond grandparent (whatever his or her chronological age) upon the playful antics of the still young at heart. Secretly, the Capricorn soul longs to abandon duty but is by now resigned to the knowledge that sheer idealism is impractical - and spontaneous enthusiasm can never replace experience. Acutely aware of the dangers of impulsive action, the soul has become more conservative - and the Goat's refusal to either scatter efforts or to indulge in sentimentality brings on accusations of emotional coldness from those born into the Fire and Air Elements. Capricorns respect authority because they see the law as a necessity for the protection of human rights and safety. They shyly worship the famous and successful because Capricorn's ruler, Saturn, teaches them to revere achievement, knowing full well its price.

Although Capricorn may appear to be serious and unyielding to more liberal souls, Life has also taught the Goats its humorous side, and their subtle jokes are tinged with the irony of existence. Because the new Saturnine duties as counselor to the foolish weigh heavily on their shoulders, they sometimes try to drink the last full measure of Life's rare pleasures, calmly accepting them without false modesty or undue inhibition. Only afterward, when the sobering influence of maturity returns, does Capricorn feel a vague sense of remorse and melancholy for having succumbed to the temptation of forbidden passions. In this soul vibration, there is a compulsion to acknowledge the necessity for being practical, as Capricorn admits, "I USE." But a gentleness of spirit softens the severity of the surface sternness commanded by Saturn, for the Capricorn consciousness brings with it a sympathy for human mistakes, born from the understanding gained through ten stages of Life's - and Love's - mysteries. 

Capricorn's positive qualities are determination, stability, wisdom, dependability, sureness, and tranquility. Expressed in their negative form they become selfishness, narrowness, ruthless ambition, rigidity, snobbery, depression, and loneliness.

To Capricorn, love is a quiet and undemanding exchange of personal gratification.

The Goats have fully learned the valuable lesson that love is not measured by excessive emotion. But because they equate it only with the necessities of mutual need and desire, they have not yet experienced the release of its inner longings. 

Capricorn Love Mystery
Capricorn Love Mystery

Sagittarius Love Mystery ♐

Sagittarius Love Mystery
Sagittarius Love Mystery

Emerging from the long night of Scorpio meditation, the evolving soul turns again with hope toward the positive masculine Day Forces, as it bridges autumn and winter through the Sagittarius consciousness. Now it experiences for the third time the vibrations of the Mutable Communicator, and answers for the last time to the impulsive element of Fire. In Sagittarius, man or woman has become a skeptical philosopher, a reluctant prophet, still unsure of the final answers to the riddle of life. So the Archer probes further, with penetrating logic and embarrassing candor, to give validity to Jupiter's claim that "I SEE." It is now time for the soul to be once more aware of its own duality. Sagittarius feels a compelling urge to explore his or her own mind and attempt to unravel the secrets of human behavior at the philosophic stage of higher learning.

Yet, part of this soul resents the stern requirements of an ever more complicated education and longs to play hookey from Life's demanding karmic school. He - or she - plunges from the heights of supreme optimism and blind faith to the depths of sarcastic cynicism. First frivolous and gay, then serious and owlish, Sagittarius is the Centaur, half man-half horse, aiming sharp arrows of curiosity directly into the bull's eye of the knowledge sought. The Sagittarian search for truth takes this soul through the maze of religious concepts, veering from stark atheism to spiritual fanaticism, until the stronghold of church dogma has been exposed - and either accepted or rejected, in part, or in whole.

Sometimes Sagittarius frolics like a clumsy clown, with an irresponsible disregard for the future. 

Sometimes he thinks seriously, on a level high above and beyond his peers. In the Sagittarian stage, the soul has reached the symbolic stage of retirement. Driven by their ruling planet Jupiter, the Archers yearn to travel, to bask under foreign Suns, to see and learn of other countries, people, and ideas. Although they grudgingly submit to the necessities of work, duty, and responsibility, they are extremely impatient with such unwelcome restrictions over the realization of their dreams.

To cover a constant restlessness of spirit, Sagittarians adopt the pose of the actor, the thespian, which enables them to entertain others with a mixture of funny and tragic farces, while they remain free to pursue the Socratic method of inquiry with their own souls, behind their theatrical masks. There is little time for tact on this level, as Sagittarius rushes ahead to find the answers before "Life" is over. Autumn is ending, the first winds of winter are blowing - and the exhilarating weather challenges the Archer to tempt fate, in order to prove that man is stronger than Nature. The winter season's withdrawal into seclusion has not yet taken hold. And so Sagittarius delights in each snowflake, pondering the design and origin .. . then rolls them together into a snowball, tossed without warning to topple the stuffiness of more sedate souls. Although intuitively sensing that "old age" looms ahead, with its promised rewards of wisdom and peace, the soul is too nostalgic for the carefree days of lost youth .. . spring and summer .. . to resign itself gracefully to its inevitable maturity.

Sagittarian positive qualities are optimism, candor, cheerfulness, logic, honesty, daring, and enthusiasm. Expressed in their negative form they become recklessness, emotional confusion, carelessness, lack of tact, rudeness, and fickleness.

To Sagittarius, who has reached the symbolic middle age of the soul, true love must be discovered now - or lost forever. As the Archers seek a mate for all seasons, they are blinded by love's idealism and challenge and therefore wounded by love's reality, because their anxious quest has not yet led them to search for love where it really hides - within their own hearts. 

Sagittarius Love Mystery
Sagittarius Love Mystery

Scorpio Love Mystery ♏

Scorpio Love Mystery
Scorpio Love Mystery

As it enters its second experience in the Water element, the now mature soul welcomes the chance for meditation through a return of the negative feminine Night Forces of the Scorpio consciousness. On a public level, Scorpio is enormously capable of executing the now very familiar duties as a Fixed Organizer.

On a personal level, Scorpio is troubled to discover that he faces for the first time the awesome mystery of his own existence. Where did he come from? - where is he going? - why is he here? Scorpio must tear the veil from life, regardless of the cost, to quiet his restless spirit, suddenly released from its former preoccupation with earthly needs alone, as he cries out: "I DESIRE! " There is much that the Scorpio soul knows.... but even more that is sensed and cannot yet be defined. The Scorpio vibration brings such a burning need to penetrate the unknown that it must be buried beneath deep layers of calm reason, or it would consume the mind and sear the soul. Lessons well remembered from Libra softness and impartial judgment have made Scorpio wary of expressing opinions to those who would tear them apart. The strong Scorpion instinct for survival springs from a deep-seated fear that he who is not forearmed will be destroyed. Each defeat sustained by Scorpio only strengthens the inner conviction that the first loyalty must be to his or her own personal integrity. For Scorpio senses that if the self is lost, then all is lost.

On the Scorpio level of consciousness, the soul is newly aware of the relationship between birth, death, sex, and religious truth. Scorpio knows that, in some mystical way, these are all intertwined. Therefore, sex becomes something intimately explored with an intensity unknown to those either behind or ahead of Scorpio's stage of evolvement. Although Scorpio trusts love only after it has proven itself deserving of such trust, once dedicated to another, loyalty is unswerving and eternal. Feeling fiercely the need to protect themselves and those they love from hurt, Scorpio is compelled to demand "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" as insurance that injuries will not be repeated. 

Through the subtle influence of the ruling planet Pluto, the experience of death comes to the Scorpio soul, as friends and relatives pass away, increasing the need to penetrate even deeper for the knowledge buried in the silent subconscious.

While Scorpio's spirit soars upward like the eagle, defying gravity, worldly desires and passions intensify, forcing him to question his own worthiness. Ultra-sensitive, but now able to totally disguise such sensitivity, Scorpio now learns the amazing power of his or her own mind - the silent will - and uses it secretly, lest others learn how to use the same kind of power over him - or her. The Scorpio consciousness is the period of the soul's testing.

Scorpio's positive qualities are loyalty, willpower, magnetism, gentleness, insight, and amazing self-control. Expressed in their negative form they become ruthlessness, fanaticism, revenge, sadism, suspicion, and self-hatred.

To Scorpio men and women, love is a consuming flame, worth any sacrifice - and they must conquer its challenge. Sexually uninhibited, yet emotionally fearful and mentally suspicious, they strive desperately to unite love's physical and spiritual vibrations, with a strange mixture of eroticism and purity. But the satisfaction of desire only leaves the Scorpio soul still hungry for something beyond. 

Scorpio Love Mystery
Scorpio Love Mystery

Libra Love Mystery ♎

Libra Love Mystery
Libra Love Mystery

Turning from the lonely Virgo path of self-discipline, the evolving soul reaches out once again to the positive Day Forces, as the Libra vibration seductively beckons to it to accept, for the third time, the challenge of Cardinal leadership.

In the Libra consciousness, the soul is fully grown, aware now of both sunshine and shadow. During the struggle for maturity which culminated in Virgo, it has learned that there is in the world (and in people) both night and day - good and evil - dark and light. Beyond that, Libra is consumed with the intriguing polarity of male and female. Experience has taught Libra men and women to judge their fellows fairly. 

Until the Libra level, the soul's interest has been centered primarily on itself.

Now it expands to include, for the first time, an awareness of the necessity to relate to other human beings. The soul is now equipped with the lessons of five previous levels, capable of leading with both logic and force. Libra acts with a blend of wisdom composed of knowledge gained through one excursion into WATER and from twice experiencing FIRE, EARTH, and AIR. "I BALANCE," says Libra, priding himself or herself on seeing both sides. Because it shatters Libra's conscience to be unfair, decisions are difficult and painful. A sense of social justice is emerging, and in the face of prejudice or intolerance, Libra often turns to endless arguments, using the cold logic learned through Gemini and sharpened through Virgo. But this approach is softened by a new sense of the value of persuasion. Libra has acquired the quality of charm, which he has discovered is a sure way to win, so he artfully uses a mellow voice and dazzling smile to cajole and get his way with others.

Libra feels a growing awareness of the beauty of harmony - in music, art, and romance. As Librans subconsciously recall their Virgo loneliness, they experience the stirring of a deep and primal urge to find a mate. Sentimental, yet practical, the Libra soul instinctively knows the need for someone to walk nearby, in both love and business, to balance Life and satisfy the desire for the harmony of Libra's ruler, Venus. In the Libran Air Element, however, a love partner is not easy to find. When the vices and virtues of prospective mates are weighed and balanced on the Libra Scales, they often are found wanting, bringing on the anguish of emotional indecision. But through it all, this man or woman continues the relentless search for someone to share life's joys and sorrows.

The autumn season so loved will someday fade, the spring so fondly remembered is long past, and there is one thing Libra knows: he - or she - must not be alone when winter comes. And so Librans respond to sunset's beauty, sadly sensing simultaneously that for all its crimson-gold glory, it nevertheless announces another approaching night of the soul.

Libra's positive qualities are justice, intelligence, charm, gentleness, and emotional balance. Expressed in their negative form they become laziness, procrastination, indecision, argumentativeness, pleasure-seeking, and temperament.

To Libra, love is a mating of the minds and hearts - not too passionate, not too detached - a happy medium, to be equally shared. But these souls are too infatuated with love's surface beauty to penetrate completely its deeper implications. They recognize only what they love. It has not yet occurred to them to wonder why.

Libra Love Mystery
Libra Love Mystery